Wednesday, November 15, 2023

What Time of Year is Best to do a Perc Test?

perk test Northville

The best time for a perk test is in the driest part of the year! This is usually towards the end of summer or the beginning of winter. This is the best time because the water table beneath the soil will be at the lowest point, and dry soil will absorb liquid more rapidly. However, if the soil is frozen or has recently absorbed a lot of rain/meltwater, percolation results will naturally be lower.

Learn more here about the best time to do a perk test.

Learn more here about the best time to do a perk test.

Don’t Waste Your Money – Schedule a Perk Test Today!


Whether you’re looking to schedule a soil perk test to determine whether you should invest in a property or you need to install a new septic system, give us a call to schedule a perk test for your Northville home today. At LaChance Brothers Excavating, you get the experience of three generations of excavating and septic work from a family-owned business. Contact us or call 248-962-3670 to schedule your perk test today!

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